Namespace JJMasterData.Core.UI.Components
- AsyncComponent
A ComponentBase with asynchronous programming support.
- ComponentBase
Base class of every component that renders to HTML. Every public component inherits from this class.
- GridSettings
Class responsible to render the UI on JJGridView
- JJCard
This is a simple content container
- JJDataExportation
Exporta dados para um arquivo
- JJDataPanel
Render panels with fields
- JJFormView
Represents a CRUD.
- JJGridView
Display the database values in a table, where each field represents a column and each record represents a row. Allows pagination, multiple filters, layout configuration and field sorting
- JJLinkButton
Represents a clickable button
- JJSearchBox
Represents a searchable combobox.
- JJText
Represents a plain text.
- JJUploadView
Form responsible for managing files in a directory
- JJValidationSummary
Represents a JJAlert with error messages.
- IControlFactory<TControl>
Factory class used to create Controls.