Table of Contents

JJMasterData Logging System

The JJMasterData Logging System integrates with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to provide custom logging providers for database and file-based logging. These providers offer robust, configurable, and extendable options to handle application logging needs. Below is a detailed explanation of the options, configuration, and usage.

Logging Providers Overview

File Logger Provider

The File Logger Provider writes log messages to files with support for log rotation and formatting options.


  • Log Size Limit: Configurable limit to the size of a log file before rotation.
  • Retained Files: Specifies how many old log files to keep.
  • Custom File Names: Supports templated filenames (e.g., Log/AppLog-yyyyMMdd.txt).
  • Formatting: Customize log output format.

Database Logger Provider

The Database Logger Provider stores log messages in a relational database table.


  • Customizable Columns: Maps log properties to database table columns.
  • Connection Management: Uses a ConnectionStringId for database connection identification.

Configuration in appsettings.json

To use these providers, configure them in your application's appsettings.json. Below is an example configuration.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "System": "Warning"
    "File": {
      "FileSizeLimit": 10485760,
      "RetainedFileCountLimit": 5,
      "FileName": "Logs/MyApp-yyyyMMdd.log",
      "Formatting": "Default"
    "Database": {
      "TableName": "tb_masterdata_log",
      "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command": "None"

Programmatic Integration in Program.cs

To enable these custom logging providers in your application, update the Program.cs file as follows:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add logging providers

var app = builder.Build();

File Logger Configuration Options

Property Description Default
FileSizeLimit Maximum size of a single log file in bytes. 10485760 (10 MB)
RetainedFileCountLimit Number of old log files to retain. 2
FileName Templated name for log files. Log/AppLog-yyyyMMdd.txt
Formatting Determines log entry format (e.g., Default, Json). Default

Database Logger Configuration Options

Property Description Default
ConnectionStringId Identifier for database connection string. null
TableName Target table name for logs. tb_masterdata_log
IdColumnName Column for unique log IDs. Id
CreatedColumnName Column for timestamp of log creation. log_dat_evento
LevelColumnName Column for log level (e.g., Info, Error). log_txt_tipo
MessageColumnName Column for log message. log_txt_message
CategoryColumnName Column for log category/source. log_txt_source

Common Options for BatchingLoggerOptions

The BatchingLoggerOptions class provides configurable settings applicable to both File Logger Provider and Database Logger Provider. These options control how log messages are batched, queued, and flushed to their respective destinations.

Common Properties

Property Description Default Value
FlushPeriod Specifies the interval at which logs are flushed to the store. Must be a positive TimeSpan. 1 second
BackgroundQueueSize Maximum size of the log message queue before the system starts blocking. 1000
BatchSize Maximum number of log entries to include in a single batch. Must be a positive integer or null. null (no limit)
IsEnabled Indicates if the logger is enabled and accepting log messages. true
IncludeScopes Determines whether scope information is included in log entries. false

Usage Details

  • FlushPeriod: Controls the frequency of log writes. This ensures logs are periodically sent to the file or database, reducing memory usage.
  • BackgroundQueueSize: Prevents overloading by limiting the number of pending log messages.
  • BatchSize: Optimizes write performance by batching multiple log entries.
  • IsEnabled: Allows toggling logging on or off without modifying other configurations.
  • IncludeScopes: Useful for structured logging, providing context about the log source or operation scope.

Example Configuration in appsettings.json

  "Logging": {
    "FileLogger": {
      "FileSizeLimit": 10485760,
      "RetainedFileCountLimit": 3,
      "FileName": "Logs/App-yyyyMMdd.log"
    "DbLogger": {
      "FlushPeriod": "00:00:02",
      "BackgroundQueueSize": 500,
      "BatchSize": 50,
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "IncludeScopes": true,
      "TableName": "ApplicationLogs"

By combining these common options with specific settings for file or database logging, you can ensure consistent behavior while tailoring the output destination. These options ensure scalability and control for high-throughput logging scenarios.