Table of Contents

Getting Started

This tutorial assumes you will use .NET 8+, for .NET Framework 4.8 support, check our documentation.

1. Install JJMasterData.Web from NuGet

JJMasterData Nuget

Installing JJMasterData.Web, will install all required dependencies.

2. Add a SQL Server ConnectionString to your configuration file

In your configuration file (normally appsettings.json), add a SQL Server connection string.

You can replace the appsettings.json url from [here](( and have autocomplete features in your IDE.

  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "JJMasterData": {
    "ConnectionString": "data source=localhost,1433;initial catalog=JJMasterData;Integrated Security=True"

Support for more DBMSs is planned. For more information see configurations.

3. Modify Program.cs

Add the following lines to your Program.cs

//This line will add JJMasterData required services.

//Add this line before specifing default route.

4. Navigate on Data Dictionary

Next, run your website and open in your browser the route:


you will be presented with the following screen:

DataDictionaries Home


If you want to remove the current culture from the URL, change the EnableCultureProvider value at MapJJMasterData method.

5. Create your first Data Dictionary

Click in New Data Dictionary button, enter the table name (Person), after that, you will have a representation of your metadata.

Person Data Dictionary

In Fields menu Add 3 fields:

  • Id Int (Not Null) PK
  • FirstName nvarchar 50 (Not Null)
  • Age int

Click on menu "More/Database Scripts" and then "Create Table And Stored Procedures"
The table and procedure will be created in the database. Person Scripts.png

After running the database Scripts, click on Preview, and you will have your CRUD with nearly zero code: Person CRUD

For more information see about Data Dictionary.

Ok, really cool! But how to use these CRUDs on my application?

JJFormView is the class responsible to render all JJMasterData CRUDs. It have many features out of the box like filters, data exportation and a huge customization potential using .NET code, you can even inject Python code in your application at runtime. You have 2 options to instantiate a JJFormView:

  1. Using the /DataDictionary/Render/{elementName} route
  2. Creating a View or Page instantiating a JJFormView

For customization you have a lot of scenarios too:

  1. Using the DataDictionary Web interface, we have lots of options, we don't have everything documented yet, but you can help submitting a PR
  2. Using the <xhref: JJMasterData.Core.Events.Abstractions.IFormEventHandler> interface (recommended), check the docs for more information
  3. Customizing your own JJFormView object at your pages (the old school way of the JJ Consulting team in the WebForms era, not recommended)